Telesales Script

Please follow this sales script for your sales pitch

Hi this is Your Name, I’m calling from Bonza Healthcare in Hatfield, we’re a specialist nursing and care agency, but we are a brand-new concept in the agency world, as our point of difference to others is, we are created and owned by experienced nurses, so we know and genuinely care about what we are doing.We are covering the whole of Herts, supplying nurses, care assistants, support workers and more.

All staff are vetted and trained, we have a constant availability of staff, 100% reliable and we offer the most competitive pricing for the highest quality of staff.

Do you guys currently, or have ever used an agency in the past? (if yes) and what were your thoughts?
(regardless of what they answer to the above, it doesn’t really matter, but you are getting them interactive and engaged into a conversation)

As we are a completely different concept to usual bog standard agencies, we just wanted to know if we could pop in for an informal chat, and meet you face to face, leave you with some info and explain further benefits of using us.


(if you face aversion to a meeting)

Ok, I realise you are busy / hesitant / pushed for time etc., how about I send you some literature via email and a link to our website in the first instance, then we can take it from there?What is your direct email address?


(If they ask about pricing)

Well we have various different pricing structures, so we can explain that if we pop in and see you when we are next in your area….. how are you set for Mon (Tue/Wed etc.?)
(If they still insist they don’t want to meet face to face, but they have expressed an interest by asking about pricing, we need to get their email at least to send them some info and then follow up after that)

Ok well let me send you the details over email, that illustrates pricing structures etc., so you will be more well informed… what is you direct email address.You can review that and I can give you a call sometime after to find out your thoughts.

A common objection maybe they don’t ever use agencies
I understand, a lot of our new clients were the same as you guys and didn’t use agencies at all, however, as I mentioned, we are completely different to others, and we think you may be pleasantly surprised to meet and find out how … we only need 15 minutes or so of your time…. Are you free Monday blah blah……?